God is by definition, Love. We are children of God. That would mean that we have God's life-blood flowing through us, right? Where do we get off judging people? Why in the world do we feel the need to make sure whoever is sitting next to us on a Sunday morning is just a little bit lower down on the todem pole than I am? Where do we get the idea that my sin is not as "big" as that other person's sin?

That is absolutely wrong! Eph. 5:1-Be immitators of God... Again, God is by definition, Love. If we are to be immitators of God, that means we are to love. Not the kind of love that makes us feel the need to discipline someone else for their actions, but the kind of love that God offers you and I each day. The kind of love that says, I have seen what you did today, but as of this moment, I don't remember a thing, "Go and sin no more."

We are ambassadors for Christ. It's time we started acting like ambassadors rather than distric attorneys.


Heather said...

You mean if the church was renamed after a tv show, it shouldn't be "Law and Order?" ;) Just kidding - I wholeheartedly agree.

Recognize Young Married Couple in this post http://redheaded-step-child.blogspot.com/2006/04/things-at-my-fathers-houseon-his-desk.html ? Love you guys...