Another quick note about our church family. Obviously the past two months have been pretty tough for my wife and I. We feel like we've been on a rollercoaster ride for way too long. I think we're starting to get a little dizzy. Anyway, through the past two months, our church family has been wonderful. Not only have they given more than we could ever hope to give back in monetary blessings, they have given of themselves. There have been more people genuinely concerned about how our little boy is doing and how my wife is doing.

I don't know how many times we have come in the doors at our building and someone has stopped us and asked, "How are ya'll doing? Really, how are you doing?" People want to know. They want to sympathize with us and it has been one of the most humbling experiences of my life. Who am I to recieve such treatment? I'm not really that special, am I?

I'm just another person on a journey of faith and we are blessed that the Lord of the universe has chosen to make His name great in our weak little lives. We will praise Him forever!


Heather said...

yes, you are really that special! Good to catch up with you guys on Sunday.