
What was it that our mothers always told us? We learn from our experiences. How true. My wife and I were at a teen retreat this weekend where we had the opportunity to experience God in new ways. It was a wonderful retreat, especially since one of our teens decided to take another big step in her journey with Christ and put him on in baptism. Praise God!

Again, if we learn from our experiences, experiences in life, why must we sit and lecture about the historical accuracy of the Bible when we gather together with fellow Christian brothers and sisters? Why can't we figure out some way to experience God's power? How can we make God alive and well, relevant and real?

My philosophy: we do the work of the kingdom! God has called us to a life of love. We see it all through scripture in the example of His Son. Jesus was countercultural. Not only counter to the culture of the day, but also to the comfortable understanding of religion. Let's experience as Jesus did the joy that comes when we are selfless. Our time is God's time. It can and should be used for his glory, right. Just like everything else we have. It's all God's. So, let's spend our time and energy using God's rescources for his glory, to experience what it means to be used by God and actually find and unexplainable joy in it all.

I'm headed to heaven and I want to take as many people with me as I can!