Once upon a time...

Life was easy. There was not a care in the world...Only whether we would eat peanut butter and jelly or grilled cheese for lunch. Going to bed when the sun was still up sure wasn't my idea of fun, but wouldn't that be great now?

There must be something to the statement, "Don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough trouble of it's own." Something tells me Jesus new what he was talking about. And for some reason, of which we are not entirely certain, my wife and I know what it means not to worry about tomorrow. Our time together seems so rich. I could just sit and soak it in forever. Worry just hurts and bogs us down. And for some reason, we know what's it's like to be out from under the unforgiving burden.

I love it. Praise God!


kentbrantly said...

There is another verse - in the middle of Ecclesiastes - where the Holy Spirit says "Do not ask 'Why were the old days better than these?' for it is not wise to ask such questions." It is interesting to ponder this verse in conjunction with the passage you are celebrating in this blog. Do not worry about tomorrow, and do not mourn the passing of yesterday. Just live today.