Have you ever had the feeling of, "why me?" Not in the bad sense, such as, why do I have to be sick all the time, or why can't we get by each month... But, the feeling of, why me? There are so many other people who could use these blessing more than me.

Honestly, for the past couple of weeks, that is how I have felt. My wife has had a few complications in her pregnancy causing us to be either at the doctor's office or the hospital almost every day of the week. As you can imagine, the medical bills pile up and we really weren't sure what to do. So, we felt like it was appropriate to come before our church family and ask for prayers and any financial help they could offer. Needless to say, the past few weeks have blown us away. God has blown us away. Before we even know we have a need, it's taken care of. Before we even know we need some money, someone hands us a check to cover the weeks expenses. We have been given so much more than was ever in our wildest dreams. God is awesome! There is no other way to describe it. He knows us more than we even think we know ourselves.

So, can you see why I would be thinking, "why me?" I pray with everything in me that during this time, my wife and I will be able to use these blessings wisely so that in the future when someone else comes forward struggling financially or otherwise, we won't have to say, "oh, I really wish we had the money to help them out" anymore. We will be able to do it because God has blessed us so richly, why wouldn't we use what he has given us anyway for His glory?

Our God is good. He has found another way to humble me and I am so thankful. God cares for us. His church cares for us. And isn't this just a small piece of what Christ's body in this world is all about?