WOW! What a wild night...

For anyone who may come across this blog, please stop and say a special prayer for my wife.

Last night around 11:30, my 33 week pregnant wife informed me that we need to make an emergency call to the OBGYN. Turns out, she has been in pre-term labor for a little over two days without even realizing it. Needless to say, we were up all night at the Birthing Center wondering if our baby was coming early, what was going to be wrong with him, how long he would stay in the hospital, how my wife would do during delivery.... And to top is off, her platelets have been low for the past couple weeks, so there is always the slim chance she could start bleeding and not stop...

So, prayer requests are: 1. That God heals her body TODAY! 2. That the baby is healthy. 3. That the baby stays in her for at least 4 more weeks. 4. That my wife does not lose her mind now being on bed-rest. 5. That I know how to support her in a Godly fashion, as selflessly as possible.

Now, for some odd reason, though I have been awake since 11:30 last night, my eyes are wired open. Sleep is not on my mind, AND I WANT IT TO BE!!

We are human and we just need another reminder that God is close and He won't let anything happen...But if by some off chance something does happen, that our FULL and COMPLETE trust will be in Him and His plans for us...


Heather said...

Oh you guys, HOW SCARY!! I'm calling right now.

kentbrantly said...

praying for you guys, bud.