The days are long and the nights pass at the blink of an eye. Our little boy sleeps peacefully in his crib as we sneak out of the nursery each night, leavning a small piece of us behind. He is changing so much and doing so well that it seems to be getting harder to leave him after each visit. All we want to do is scoop him up and run away.
But, he is getting stronger. Each feed he drinks a little bit more on his own, which is getting him that much closer to coming home. Of course we remind him that the ball is in his court and we're just waiting on him to do his thing with the bottle.

And though this has been one of the most difficult 5 weeks of my life, I still cannot ignore the provision of our God in heaven. His plans are so much bigger than ours could ever hope to be. One example. We have been praying each night for the past several months that God would use us to shine His light in the world. Of course we have no idea how that's going to happen when we offer the prayer, but there is some comfort in leaving your life in the hands of God. Surprise, surprise! Anyway, our time in the Special Care Nursery at the hospital has brought us in contact with a single mother who also had her little girl early. She's not doing too well, and mom is having a pretty difficult time as well. That being said, my wife more than I, we have had many opportunities to pray with her, laying hands on her sweet baby girl. God is too good for us to ignore. He knows way too much to just pass off our time in the neonatal nursery as a string of bad luck. We are there for a reason and thankfully He has given us the courage to take advantage of the opportunities He's provided.

Keep us in your prayers as well as precious little Niabella and her mother. God isn't done working miracles!

On another note, this is a fececious (spelling?) question, but I ask it in all seriousness. Where do we draw the line at being a Christian? If I have all the evidence in the world to ruin someone, should I?


Heather said...

Awesome guys, and we will be praying for little Niabella (pretty name too!).

It's f-a-c-e-t-i-o-u-s, just fyi ;) and my answers are, we don't (draw a line) and no (we shouldn't ruin others even if we can - though we should always try to ruin Satan and the sins he tricks us with).
