Our little boy is doing great! 15ml straight from mom this morning and the rest through a bottle. He'll probably still be there for another couple weeks, at the most. The most amazing thing to me is that he's already been here for three weeks. I still remember watching my wife surrounded by countless nurses and the announcement, "We've got to get this baby out, NOW!" God is truly amazing! Three weeks ago our little son was born into the world, and his big accomplishment was breathing on his own. Now he is taking food from a bottle and this morning most from his mom. Words still fail to describe what we're feeling. God is much too great to put into words. So, all we can do, is put a huge smile on our faces and pepper our speech with praise of our Father in heaven. He's my God and always will be! Praise his name!

And back to the Da Vinci Code stuff. I don't think I clearly said what I was trying to say. Basically, my question that has been prompted by much thought and the release and press of this movie is, what is wrong with questioning who we are, why we do what we do, why we think the way we do, etc.? Is it wrong to question who we are? Am I making sense...any more thoughts?