Two weeks to the day and our son is doing great! He actually had a rough night last night, spitting up most of his food. Unfortunately, he had to get another IV for nutrition and antibiotics since he really can't eat much right now. But, the nurses and doctors have said he is doing very well, he's just young and trying to figure out what it means to live outside momma's tummy.

Through it all, God is still very much alive and in control. Words of his power and majesty pepper our speech each day. It's too obvious to us and there is no way we could account anything that has happened in the past month and a half to anyone other than our God in heaven.

Prayer is a powerful thing. And we are so very thankful for the many prayers that have gone up for our little boy. We would ask that he continue to be lifted up to the Father along with my wife. She is still battling some health problems of her own. However, God is not done yet. I don't really think He's getting tired of His name being made great by what he is doing in our lives. So, I offer prayers with full confidence that He hears us and as he has already so marvelously shown us, He knows exactly what we need and when we need it. We are just learning to wait on Him until He decides timing is right.

Truly, our God is an awesome God!!