It is getting harder and harder. Each night my wife and I visit my son, hold him for about an hour and a half, sing a praise song, lift him up to God in prayer, give him some kisses, push the down button on the elevator and 15 min. later we are way too far away from the hospital. We leave our precious little boy laying in a clear plastic crib, with tubes coming out of every hole, yawning as big as his little mouth can handle.

He is the most perfect little boy. There is nothing on earth that would pull me away from the fact that my Father in heaven is the creator of our son. He has blessed us with the most wonderful gift I could ever imagine. Words cannot describe it.

All I want is to take him home. We are learning, though it's hard to admit, a valuble lesson in patience. Prayers are much appreciated and always welcome. God is not finished making His name great and we are so excited to see what His plans are for the next few days, weeks and years, if He decides to give us more time on earth.

Praise God! He is glorious beyond description! I will praise His name all of my days!


Heather said...

Ugghh, you pull at my heartstrings, though I know that it's nothing compared to what you're both experiencing.

Patience IS hard to learn...and I don't think anyone quite masters it while here on earth, but think about how THIS part of your parenting journey will prepare you for other say, the years btwn 2 and 4 ;) Ya'll will have the perspective that you even HAVE him to be angry with, and how far you had to go to get there.

Little Miss and I have been praying for you all on the way to daycare every morning...and for "Katie to not be sore" anymore ;)

Love you guys, and wish there was something I could do to fast forward to where he's home with you.

kentbrantly said...

Hey Logan,
I don't know what to say. I just read the last two weeks of entries on your blog. It is quite a journey you all are on. I will continue to lift you up in prayer.
Does your son have a name?
brother to brother,
kent <><

Heather said...

oh, and one of these days you have to put a pic on here of the lil guy!!