Colossians 2:8 says, "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according (or and not) to Christ."

It struck me yesterday as I was reading this passage, is it possible Paul is pointing the Colossians, as well as the church today, away from empty traditions, according to men? My vote: yes!

Paul was arguing against the Colossian heresy which claimed believers must have faith in Christ as well as a secret knowledge of man made traditions and regulations. Sound familiar?

Sometimes I get the feeling that the way we "do" church is completely man made. I realize there are parts of what we do that are very scriptural and I am not in any way arguing against those things. But how much of our time together is not Bible based or even truly focused on knowing God, rather than knowing about Him?

Food for thought. I think I'll continue some more tomorrow.


Heather said...

You know I agree....

I think though, we are getting more away from the traditions of the church and closer to Christ, for the most part. God moves!

Lisa said...

Why, hello, fellow bloggers! Glad I have this link now - I will definitely keep reading your insightful posts :) Sounds like Hank's sleep schedule is about like mine...your family is definitely in my prayers.