Well, Hank will be going in for repairs on the 7th of July. A few stiches and a couples hours should take care of his two small hernias. We would have preferred a sooner surgery date, but we'll just have to deal with a little more anxiety for a couple weeks.

God has still been good to us. Each day we see something new in our son. I still seems unworthy to be known and taken care of by the creator of the universe. It begs the question, why me? Why my family?

So here's the next question. Why do I ask such questions? God says ask and you shall receive, right? We asked and I am still not sure why, but God said yes. Why is it so hard for us to simply accept the gifts of God? Why do we have to make a big deal about it, assuming that we must "do something right" in order to receive a gift from God?

Food for thought.