Last night was a long night. Hanks sleeps wonderfully all day long. As night covers, he starts to get restless and when we finally put him in bed, it's all down-hill. Please keep our little boy in your prayers. He seems to be getting more and more uncomfortable. His hernia seems to be bothering him more at night, when he is laying on his back. It's tough for us, but it's more difficult to hear him crying and grunting in pain. Please remember him in your prayers.

Colossians 3:12-17. You know what I love about this little section of scripture? I can just see Paul, a big grin on his face and his pen not fast enough to keep up with his thoughts of joy. We have been chosen by God, set apart by God. Let's be compassionate, kind, humble, gentle and patient. Let's bear with one another and let things go. Don't make a big deal about every little squabble. Remember how Jesus forgave us? More important than all these other things, wear love! Let Christ LIVE in you as you offer psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to each other with thankfulness to God in your hearts. Whatever you do, do it for Christ, giving thanks to God through his Son.

What a passage! My spirit cannot help but jump up a few clouds. Paul knows how to say things. He knows how to punch us in the gut when we need it, and he knows how to lighten a load when we really need it. And the best part about Paul, his concern is not punching us til we're down and can't move, his story is Christ. "I want to know Christ and Him crucified." Though his letters exhort a radical change in lifestyle, how often do we see him doing it by pounding people into the ground?

Maybe we should take some lessons...


Katey said...

Logan Brown!! I found you through Mike Cope's blog, and I'm so glad I did. I've loved seeing the pictures of your beautiful baby boy and I'm glad he and Katiemac are both doing so well and home. I've been praying for that sweet boy since he was born and I'm glad to hear that those prayers have been heard and answered. Give your wife a big hug for me and tell her I miss her! I can't wait to see more pictures of Hank, and you guys will continue to be in my prayers.