Here is another question to ponder....actually, it may turn out to be a couple questions...

Why, typically, do women play such a huge role or service and participation in our homes, yet when it comes to service and particpation in worship gatherings, they don't do a thing? Is it odd to anyone else, particularly when we share in the passover meal, the Lord's supper, that we are served by men?
Here's the deal, I don't have any problem with a man serving. In fact, it is what I have grown up with and am comfortable with. However, when you gather around the dinner table at your respective houses, who is doing the serving? When I share a MEAL with my FAMILY my mother, or the other women in the family are typically the ones doing the serving. So, my question is, are we not sharing in a MEAL with our church FAMILY when we come to the table of Christ every sunday morning?

Her's another short question...Men, have you ever heard another woman pray, besides your wife? I don't know about anyone else, but the times that I have experienced a woman praying are completely different that when a man prays. Us guys like to write down our list, have a structure to the prayer, and get it done. Women on the other hand, have a way of drawing on the emotional, relational aspect of prayer. Women ask God what a man would never even write down in a draft.

My long-winded point is that I think it is time to rexamine the role of women in the church. I don't think Paul's words in Timothy and Corinthians are the rule, but rather advice for the women of a church who were out of control.

More on this one later....


Heather said...

Good Questions Logan....

more later the meantime check this out: (scroll up for the body of the post - it's very thought provoking!)