I don't know if anyone has been keeping up with the University of Texas Longhorns football team, but there's something special about them this year. Namely, their redshirt freshmen quarterback, Colt McCoy. Why is he so special, you might ask? Well, my wife and I have some pretty close ties to him and his family. How close? Pretty close... How close is pretty close? Pretty darn... My wife grew up teaching Colt how to play basketball. She has probably even changed a few of his dirty diapers. It's funny what cousins will do for each other.
We couldn't be more proud of Colt. His humility in the spotlight is something I would never be able to handle. He continues to give glory to God for the talents he has. What a great leader and example of how to live a Christian life in the midst of the world.
Maybe we should think hard on how well we are living a Christian life in the midst of an evil world.


Heather said...

Your wife must've started changing diapers pretty early... ;-) But then, so did I.

That's really a cool connection. All I've got is a cousin with the same name as an NFL player - Jeremiah Trotter - totally unrelated... :)

Allison said...

Hey guys we love you! I don't really have anything to say other than I just started my own blog. It's not that great, but it's at allisonabrown.blogspot.com if you ever want to check it out. We're still waiting on little Mr... But they said they would induce me on the 6th if he isn't here by then. We'll let you know ASAP. Love you!