14 hours in a car sure does a number on your rear end...

Our first visit to Savannah, TX was a good one. Now things are set in stone. Katie brother, unexpectadly, announced in front of the entire Singing Oaks congregation that my wife and I will be making to move to Savannah to be members and ministers in the core team planting a church in the community there.

Now, we are in the midst of planning for this transition as well as buckling our seatbelt for another God-guided roller coaster ride.

The annticipation of getting back into ministry is almost unbearable. If it was up to me, I'd pack up and move tomorrow. However, God has a little better idea of how things are going to shake out. So, I'll just use a little something He likes to help me learn, called patience. His timing us usually much better than mine anyhow.


Allison said...

Hey, I can't wait to hear more about this move... :) We are excited for you guys. We missed you last week.