So, what would be the easiest way to summarize a weekend of Theology training with Randy Harris? To be completely honest, I have no idea. It's been a week since we left, and I'm still trying to work through the material we covered.

I can, however, say this. We are too easily pulled into "issues", concerning church matters. "I like this, I don't like that, I'm uncomfortable with that, You can't say that..." To be frank, issues are not the issue. How we do worship really doesn't matter.
How many times in scripture to we find Jesus quarreling over the little piddlying things that "make him happy"?

We need to be much more intentional, during worship services and not, to allow and create times for God's story in intesect with our own story. If God's story isn't told, He's too far away, something we'll never be able to grasp. How will we understand relationship and love? If our story is never mixed with God's, The Way really doesn't mean anything. We won't be able to understand that our story is indeed a part of God's story.

Even still, we have to remember that there is so much more to life in Christ than the hour and fifteen minutes we spend in worship on a Sunday morning. Our concern is not doing things right. Just take a closer look at Jesus and the religious practices that He condemed from His own heritage.

God was, is, and always will be about relationship, reconciliation and righteousness. Our goals, then, should be likewise.