Here again, I find myself making my once-a-month posting. Some say it would be longer than that...but who knows, mabye this year, I'll make the move to twice a month postings, or even once a week. But, for now, I'll just work on today's.

In light of recent conversations, my first question for today is, What is the value of modern Christian writers? eg. those who spend countless hours, probably years, studying, preparing for and writing commentaries, Christian authors, such as N.T. Wright and C.S. Lewis, who are undeniably two of God's vessels, and the like.

Some would argue, "We've got the Bible, why waste time reading someone else's opinion?" To that question, I would hope to respond, "Are we to assume our opinion is 'right' and all others concerning scripture are wrong?" I guess we'd better stop listening to our pastor's on Sunday morning's because they are offering us their opinion on their chosen passage of scripture. Albiet, they have spent the better part of a week studying, wrestling with, struggling over, how to present the gospel through that passage, but, it's just their opinion, it has no value since their words are not straight from scripture.

So then, my second question spawns from the first. Can and/or does God speak through humans today as He did in the centuries when Scripture was written down? I ask not to dumb-down or bring God's love story to the level of a modern novel, but seriously, though God's Word speaks afresh each time you open it, are we to believe God is so distant that He no longer speaks to us?

More food for thought...hopefully I'll be back sooner rather than later.

fyi-N.T. Wright's Simply Christian is a wonderfully simple argument for Christian living, Bonhoefer's Ethics leads you on a discovery of the depth of God's calling...both of these books have dramatically informed my thoughts today...