The countdown has begun...We are moving at the end of the week, but you really can't tell by the state of our upstairs. The walls are bare, but other than that, it's still liveable. And as the excitement and anxiety multiply exponetially, we continually remind ourselves to dwell in the heart of God. Distractions come easy at times like this, hence our deep need to return to the comfort and familiarity of our Father in heaven.

Goodbye's are often hard and seemingly for good, but we know better. God has big plans for northern Colorado. As we speak, he is preparing the fields, tilling the soil.

Bring us back, Father, full of your wisdom, knowledge and experience. Make us humble servants in all that we do. Bring us to our knees. Work mightily in our overwhelming weakness. Make our hearts pure and holy. Lead us and the people in Savannah, Texas to your thrown. We love you! Thanks.


Neva said...

I am excited and encouraged by your new ministry. BTW, I grew up in Northern Colorado, Walden, to be exact and still have many family and friends throughout the state. I am, however a Texan by choice and am very grateful God uses Christians everywhere and everyday to seek out lost souls. Blessings to you and your new ministry
Peace and prayers

Heather said...

Logan and Katie,

We love you guys and Hank too. Glad we got to hang out Friday, because I got really sick the rest of the weekend, which is why we didn't make it to T&C's Sat. night.

Ya'll have our blessing, and support. Keep your eyes on the mailbox...we plan on doing what we can to help :)

H, S, K & C