These are days of great difficulty for me. Job hunting. And not just any job, a part-time job. And, not just any part-time job, a job that will suppliment and income. An income that I'm honestly not sure where it will be coming from.

Maybe I'm nieve to think that God will take care of things. I know that He will take care of us. I am doing all I can handle as far as the job search goes, but to all others, it doesn't seem like enough. I'm not aiming high enough, I should be looking for a salaried part-time job. Is that reasonable, or unreasonable? I'm really not sure.

And, I can't stand working just for money. I can't justify a job simply to because it pays the bills. Mabye I'm too picky, or not picky enough.

It's a battle. And I'm not sure I've got enough in me to fight it. "God, give me strength! I need you more than ever!" I solicite prayers on this matter, written or no.

"Give us this day our daily bread..." nothing more, nothing less.


Neva said...

Thank you for stopping by Dancing in the Light. I have said a prayer for you in your church planting. God will give you safe passage through this lifestorm in His own time. Be patient and faithful.
Peace and prayers

Allison said...

We will be praying for you too. We love you. Keep us posted!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.