Nearly a week has gone by, we've pretty much settled into our in-laws' home and I'm still in the job pool. Yep, that's right. The job I thought I had fell through, so now I'm looking again. Keep us in your prayers.

I didn't really believe people would simply come and talk to you, or smile, or wave, or do anything remotely connected to relationship, for no reason. However, it's true. This community is starving for community. Someone to let them know they are cared for. A warm smile, a friendly conversation. People here are hungry for something that is intrinsiquly (spelling?) tied to the character of Christ. Relationship. A little deeper; a relationship with their maker, whom most people don't even know. That's why we are here. To offer the missing puzzle piece, the true elixor of life. Christ.

Thanks for the prayers and keep them coming.