The saying goes, "You know you're closest to the target when you're catching the most flack." My question is, does the enemy ever run out of ammo, or at least need a moment to stop and reload?

We need people to pray that the enemy runs out or stops to reload. Though we have been here for two weeks, the battle hasn't slowed down for us. In fact, I get the feeling that the offensive has increased.

My question still remains. Why even bother satan? You've already lost. You don't have a chance because God crushed the only power you had, that was death. Christ knocked you out! And you're wasting your time with us anyway. Call us stubborn, call us "Job Reloaded", but we are not letting go of our God. Those words from the book of Daniel ring true now, more than ever. "We fully believe God can deliver us from you (Nebucanaezar), but even if He doesn't, we will NEVER bow down to your idol."

"Wait for the LORD; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the LORD."