As you know, last week brought some interesting twists to the already crazy ride we have been on. Fundraising is now my full time job. Never thought that would happen. If I was a betting man, I would bet that God is beginning to mold me into the person He needs me to be in order to reach the people here in Savannah. Now, what that man looks like, I couldn't tell you in a million years. And if I knew, I would probably say, NO WAY!

This morning I decided I would pick up my Bible and read whatever I opened to. Hosea. I'm not quite sure how this story speaks to me at this particular moment in my life, or if it is even suppposed to speak to me now. But, what a wonderful story of an unconditional love that has never and will never lose its grip. I guess that's why we are here. To bestow that life changing love on everyone we come into contact with. What an amazing God we serve!

ps-Those of you out there who feel called by God to support U.S. mission work, I want to talk to you. My email address should be someplace on the blog, otherwise, I can give it to you. And, if you've got names of people whom you know are interested in supporting mission work, I would love a chance to talk to them as well.

Most of all, thank you for your prayers.