I wonder

I wonder what kind of response I would get if I presented the possibility of a new ministry? This would not be a ministry in the church, per say, but, it will not exclude the church by any means. A small group of people, and myself are looking to begin a work that God has placed, in a different way, on our hearts. These are simply preliminary thoughts with plenty of room for expanding and building.
We would like to offer a three fold ministry. One of our target groups would be for the ministers, staff and their families that serve the body of Christ on a daily basis. We would like to offer a time of renewal, possibly rebuilding, and reconnection with Christ and their purpose in his church. Our second target group, and the bulk of our ministry, would be inner-city and/or homeless children. We would like to offer them a wilderness trek (a week in the mountians, being immersed in the majesty of God, spent building relationships, possibly rock climbing/rappelling, hiking/mountian climbing on any of Colorado's 14,000ft mountains and whatever else we can come up with) type experience, something they would not normally be able to enjoy. Our goal is that the majority of this funding would come from our third target group. Corporate team-building. As these thoughts are still coming to a boil in our minds, we are still brainstorming ideas on the "how" (both curriculum and how do we pay for this endeavor) and "where" (our location somewhere in central colorado).
We still have a great deal of thinking to do about all this, I just thought I would put some feelers out to see what kind of interest we may possibly have. Ideas are always welcome, as well as manpower. If God has been moving in you like he has in us, we would love to hear your comments. Our main purpose is to be a light for God in the world, to give people hope and a renewing sense of Christ's presence in their lives. Please let us know!