How can I be Christ in this world? How can I love the unloveable? How can I get outside my selfish self to see others in their poverty? I don't want to live simply for myself. I don't want to work just so I can keep the heat and water running at my own house. All I have is not my own. How can I be Christ in this world? I want to bathe my speech and actions in grace, I want my thoughts to be of mercy... We are not here on this earth for ourselves, or to live for the moment. We are here for Kingdom work. How can I do it?


kentbrantly said...

Logan Brown!
Now, as I see you like to post about once every 365 days or so, I'm not sure if or when you will read this little message. But I wanted to offer a little encouragement to you - the first step to living for Christ is desiring to do so. God can do amazing things with a willing heart.
Has there been any development on the ministry you talked about in your post from Jan. 26, 2005? I'd love to hear from you, to hear how you and Katie are doing, what you're up to, all that good stuff.
I hope all is well in CO.
Grace and peace to you,
Kent Brantly <><

ps - i ran across your comment on Mike Cope's blog.

qb said...

Logan, you won't remember me, but your dad might. Ran across your comment on Mike Cope's blog and thought, "I wonder if that's Milt's Logan?" I guess it is. Tell your dad that Brent Auvermann said hello and still hopes one day to get close to Milt's sub-3:10 marathon time...although time's running out. Maybe I'll see you on a 14er somewhere. All the best, qb