We are the body of Christ. Each person with a different function, right? So, why are there so many people like me who insist that everything think and act like me? Why are others wrong when they don't act the way I think the body of Christ should be acting? These are just some of the thoughts that have been going through my head for the past couple days. And to my amazement, God has taught me a few things about these very questions through a seemingly unlikely person. My brother-in-law, who is studying to be a preacher...Not very unlikely, eh? Well, I am a very small part of the body of Christ on this earth. Let's say I'm the bellybutton. I have my function, miniscule as it may seem to the rest of the body. Does that make me any less part of the body? No. Does my being a bellybutton cause the rest of the body to cease functioning? No. Can I expect the arm, stomach, or nose-hair to perform the same function that I do? Of course not! All I am saying is, do what God has called you to do in the place he has called you to do it! Don't worry about what everyone else is doing around you. Chances are, they are doing exactly what God has called them to do at that very moment in their life. Makes things seem pretty simple when you think about it like that, huh?