Henry David is doing great. 11ml of momma's milk in a bottle and two sucks later he's slap worn out. So, the feeding tube was put into action. He's still learning. Two to three weeks. Way too long in my book, but I'm pretty sure God is trying to tell me something. God is still watching him, sweeping him up each night for an evening of healing. Keep him in your prayers. We appreciate it more than words describe.

On another note. Are my wife and I the only christian people who enjoyed The Da Vinci Code? We thought it was an excellent piece of FICTION and we plan on seeing the movie when it comes out. I really want to understand why this book/movie is causing so much controversy. Where were the christian critics when movies like Showgirls, Fight Club and Pulp Fiction came out? I'm pretty sure those movies are a little bit more devistating than one man's opinions and fictional concoctions in the Da Vinci Code. I guess when someone challenges the way we have thought about organized religion, we get our panties in a wad.

I guess I just need some other thoughts. I don't really see any reason why this movie should be getting more press than the plethera of horrible movies coming out of Hollywood. Hostel for example. I'm not really sure there is another movie worse than this one. I have not seen it, but I have read several reviews and the content of this one, in my opinion, seems to be far worse than anything Dan Brown could come up with.

Who knows...thoughts...


kentbrantly said...

check out Mike Cope's blog from 5/16 - preachermike.com He shares a few thoughts on the Da Vinci code.

Heather said...

I LOVED the Da Vinci Code too, and pondered the same thoughts here:

Glad to hear the lil guy is taking more in. Those suck reflexes take awhile; my lil guy struggled with it and he was born at 36 wks. You're all doing great.