My wife and I have recently been convicted of a plague that seems to be infecting many of the adults our age in the church. We had a milder case when we were in our teenaged years, but now, it seems to be a little bit more serious.

Our disease?...There is nothing wrong with our lives, therefore, we will not listen to anyone who wants to help us overcome the problems we refuse to accept.

We love 2 Timothy 4:2; "preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with great patience and instruction." We are fine until we reach that evil word, rebuke. "I don't need advice from someone about how to live my life unless I ask them for it. They don't know me! How dare they think they can tell me what to do!"

The funny thing is, people around us see a lot more than we think they do. Especially the shepards God has placed to guard His flock. We want our elders to shepard the flock, but when the rubber meets the road and one of them approaches us, we take offense at their sheparding.

I will admit, my wife and I have been in the wrong many times concerning this issue. We would much rather talk to someone our own age. Why? Because honestly, they won't look us straight in the face and say, "you know, that really wasn't the best decision you could have made."

I offer these thoughts because God has placed elders over us for a reason. I can fight it as much as I want, but in the end, God knows what is best for me and that may very well mean a little bit of discipline.


Heather said...

yup yup....we need to receive constructive criticism as well as we like to give it....funny that's a thing that gets easier as I get older - which is why I think the term "elder" is somewhat connotated to age - they sure get a lot of criticism, mostly undeserved by "armchair" Christians.

Good thought Logan. Miss you guys - when life's not so crazy with this project, we have GOT to get together :)