Here's an interesting thought. I'm not sure I completely buy into it yet, but I'm getting there. (N.T. Wright sure makes you think about things...He's either got a wonderful imagination, or he is disciplined enough to stay quiet and listen to what God is tyring to tell him...)

What is heaven is all around us right now? Wright talks about the 4th and 5th chapters of Revelation and the worship, praise and honor of God that is happening all the time; worship coming from every part of creation, a creation, that, because of what God has done through the lamb/lion Jesus, feels no other option but to worship its Creator.

According to Revelation, that kind of worship is happening all the time in heaven, all around us, right here and right now. It's not in some distant place, some far off galaxy, because there have been doors opening from our dimension to God's. The apostle John has seen into that dimension, thus we have, Revelation.

So, my thoughts were, what if, when God renews heaven and earth, bringing them together for good, it will be like the claritin commercials. Because we really don't know any better, we are content to walk around in a haze, not able to see everything happening around us, including the unending worship happening in heaven. I kind of get the feeling that our sphere and God's sphere (heaven) are actually one multi-layered sphere in which we, at this present moment, are unable to recognize...

I'd better stop here...I'm not even sure I'm making sense to myself at this point. Read Simply Christian, the chapter on worship for a bit more on this subject. Wright has a way of saying what I'm thinking...How does he do that?! ... He is much more clear and detailed at the same time than I am. I think I've just muddied up the water.