If you have never checked out the organization called Mission Alive, I would encourage you to check them out. Basically, they are training missionaries for the United States. My wife and I, just this last weekend, finished number two of three training labs with them. It was a wonderful weekend of encouragement and affirmation. We have been asked by Mission Alive to join my brother-in-law as Associate Church planters in Savannah, Texas; a surprising offer and title to say the least. At this point, we have no words to describe the things God is doing in our lives in order to bring us to this place, a place where His lost sheep have gathered.

We have been brought to this place by the providence of God, and His providence will carry us through. We are humbled to be called missionaries for our own nation. We look forward to the coming learning experience and time of transformation.

Praise and glory to God in the highest. He has come so that we might have life, and live it more abundantly, in this moment, today, this week and until he comes again.