
Here's a question for the ages.  Is Jesus still worth following is the God we've defined through theism is dead?  I would argue, yes, much like the person of Gandhi or the Dalai Lama, who are revered because of what they stand for in their fight for humanity.

Ultimately, I believe that's who Jesus was, a humanitarian.  But, that's a bit hard to see through the God our western world has created.  A God who does our bidding...  I would even venture to say that because of the God we've created, the essence of Jesus is no longer visible.  I mean, doesn't it seem silly that God does all these things for us?  He died for us, He's our savior, He watches over us, He listens to our prayers (but never really seems to answer them)... Anyone tracking with me?  Seems more like a god we've created to help us feel better about ourselves, to "help us up when we fall," and "save us from our sinful ways."  It also seems like we've made him an easy target to shove all responsibility on for the terrible things that happen in our world.

I mean, as the great musician Derek Webb says, we're content to sit around and bicker about faith traditions and not give a shit about 50,000 people who died today.  It's much easier to create a God who we can push all our responsibility on and when things go sour, we say "it's God's will."

Bullshit!!  It's God's will for us to ignore the suffering of humanity?  It's God's will for us to be excessive consumers depleting all the earth's resources just so I can have an HD TV, an H2 and indoor plumbing?  The theistic God just doesn't compute in today's world.  We as Christian people claim to have faith, but most of the time we don't have a clue that what we've put our faith in is a load of crap in our world today.  Yet, we are content to live in our ignorance refusing to educate ourselves on the bigger issues.  I would argue, on the issues Jesus Christ would have been standing for or against.

I think Jesus Christ must live on and walk beside those people like the Dalai Lama and Gandhi, but this God we've created must die.  Too much damage is being done because "it's God's will."  It's time for people of faith to quit believing the right things and start doing the right things.  And when we come down to it, we don't need a theistic God to define what's right.  I believe we have been wired with an innate sense of right, and justice.

Now, let's grow some balls, take some responsibility and make this world a better place instead of passively waiting for God to burn it all up and take me away to live in a mansion with a gold paved driveway and home theater room...